Scientific name: Scaeva Pyrastri Common name: Pied Hoverfly
This species of hoverfly is not abundant nor should it be expected to be seen every year in the UK. Due to being a migrant species you may see this species lots some years and barely at all others. This means that the further North you go , in the UK, the less likely you will be to encounter any of this species.
Key Information:
Size: 11-15mm
Habitat: Grasslands
When to see: May to September
Family: Syrphidae
Order: Diptera
Biological Rank: Species
Fun Fact: When first hatched this species in what is considered the larvae period of their life and during this time they can consume up to 500 small bugs such as green flies
How to Identify:
This type of hoverfly , although similar to many of its cousin species, has a distinctive colour scheme. This hoverfly has a completely black abdomen with a few sets of white curved lines across the back . Its face is white with the eyes and other features appearing black and its legs often appears as yellow.