Scientific name: Eudonia Pallida  Common name: Marsh Grey


It is widely accepted that this species produces only one brood a year, however this mostly looked over insect has reports of having more than two depending on the regions the information is located. This species is found throughout Europe often in damp and colder locations.

Key Information:

Size: 18mm

Habitat: Grasslands

When to see: April to October 

Family: Crambidae

Order: Lepidoptera

Biological rank: Species 

Fun fact: This species , when on the ground during its early stages of life, will feed on plants such as moss

How to Identify: 

 This species of moth is mostly a pale grey however it has brown mixed in with the overall colour as well as sprinkled throughout the wings. It has some black markings with brown eyes and relatively long antennae. 

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