Scientific name: Coreus Marginatus       Common name: Dock Bug


This is a species of Squash Bug that is found across the UK. The Dock Bug is a herbivore and the bigger individuals of this species can be found eating Raspberry's or Blackcurrant.  This species is found most commonly in the Southern part of the UK and mainland European countries such as France. These  insects have one set of eggs per year and these take up to 4 weeks to hatch.

       Key Information: 

Size: 13-15mm

Habitat: Dry areas , Grasslands, Woodlands

When to see: All year around

Family: Coreidae

Order: Hemiptera

Biological Rank: Species

Fun Fact: This species of insect is know as the Dock Bug as it is commonly found to be feeding on the seeds and leaves of Docks

How to Identify:

This small ground insect is one of many similar squash bugs. However this species has some distinct characteristics that help separate it from its cousin species. For example the antennae of this species is in 4 different segments most of which are red however the last segment is a darker colour (close to black).  The  colour of the legs are similar to the antennae however they eventually become brown the closer to the body they are , matching this insects brownish camouflage.  Finally once again the males of this species tend to be smaller than that of the females.

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