Scientific name: Coenagrion Mercuriale Common name: Southern Damselfly
It is believed that the UK used to be home to around 25% of this species world population, however due to many threats of pollution this species over the last 30 years has begun to become scarce with the UK on the very corner of this species range. This species is a small and low flying species of damselfly .
Key Information:
Size: 29mm
Habitat: Near bodies of water
When to see: May to August
Family: Coenagrionidae
Order: Odonata
Biological rank: Species
Fun Fact: This species is also known as 'Mercury Bluet' as its markings resemble that of the symbol of Mercury
How to Identify:
This species of damselfly is small and will be found close to the floor of on low hanging branches. This species is blue with black patterns across the entire back and abdomen. In between the eyes of this species there is a small thin blue marking which sits between 2 slightly large blue dots