Scientific name: Aglais io Common name: Peacock butterfly
The Peacock butterfly is an insect native to the UK as well as Europe and some parts of Japan. This butterflies wings are very colourful and they resemble blue eyes in order to confuse any potential predators. Another unique feature of this butterfly is that when threatened they create a hissing sounds by using their wings.
Key Information:
Wingspan: 63-70mm wingspan
Habitat: Grasslands, flowers, woods, gardens, parks
When to see: Due to its ability to hibernate you can find this butterfly all year around
Family: Nymphalidae
Order: Lepidoptera
Biological rank: Species
Fun Fact: This species of butterfly is able to live for anywhere up to 11 months
How to Identify:
Unlike many species on this list the Peacock butterfly is a very obvious and distinct butterfly. This butterfly is brown with a range of colours on its hind wings in order to appear as blue eyes in order to scare off predator (like a peacock). Its underwings however are a clear contrast and appear as dull , dead leaves in order to provide some camouflage.