Scientific name: Pieris Brassicae Common name: Large White
Pieris Brassicae is found in such an abundance across the UK that it is often considered a pest by my gardeners. This butterfly is distinguished from many of its cousin species by the black spots in the centre of its wings as well as the black at the top of its wings. In order to survive predators this butterfly often coats its self in oils from plants in order to have an unpleasant smell.
Key Information:
Wing span: 58-70mm
Habitat: Grassland , Woodland
When to see: April to October
Family: Pieridae
Order: Lepidoptera
Biological rank: Species
Fun Fact: It is believed this species leads to 40% of crop loss for specific crops in both India and Turkey, one of the many reasons this species is considered a pest.
How to Identify:
This butterfly is similar for both males and females. This butterfly is a creamy white with the underwings occasionally having a yellow tint. On the hind wings you can see at the top black borders and outlines. As well as this they have a black spot lower down the wing.