Scientific Name: Polyommatus Icarus   Common Name: The Common Blue


This butterfly is found widespread across Britain, Ireland, mainland Europe, Canada and parts of Asia in a variety of different habitats and this has lead to slight behavioural changes. For example in southern England this species will produce 2 broods a year (May and August) whilst in the northern parts of the UK they will only produce 1 (July).  Although still numerous this species is predicted to have had a 74% population decrease since 1901 within the UK

Key Information: 

Wing Span: 30-40mm

Habitat: Warm, grassy areas with shade

When to see : You can find this butterfly flying anytime between May to October (depending on location)

Family: Lycaenidae 

Order: Lepidoptera 

Biological Rank: Genus


Fun Fact: This is species of butterfly is considered invasive and destructive in North America after it was accidentally introduced at an air strip near Montreal, Quebec. 


How To Identify:

The male common blue has  very vivid and bright blue upper side wings with a white fringe along the edge of the wing whilst the female has a brown and or blue coloured upper  wings. The under wings are both brown with white along the edges and a mix of orange and black spots.

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