Scientific Name: Bombus Terrestris    Common Name: Buff-Tailed Bumblebee


This species of bumblebee is very common in the UK , excluding the northern regions of Scotland. This bee is widespread across the world and is often used as pollinators in greenhouses however this has lead to many escaping and now becoming invasive species in countries such as Japan or Tasmania. Although tolerant of high temperatures this species tends to collect pollen in the early morning in order to avoid the heat of the summer afternoon.


      Key Information:

Size: 11-17mm

Habitat: Grasslands, Flower gardens

When to see: Early April to Early August 

Family: Apidae

Order:  Hymenoptera

Biological rank: Species 

Fun Fact: This species of bee will occasionally steal pollen by biting through the base of a flower

How to Identify:

This species of bee ,although appearing similar to many others, has some factors to help you identify it.  For example this species of bee has two yellow stripes that are on the neck and  then the abdomen.  Below this yellow stripe on the abdomen ,at the start of the tail, there is a small 'buff' line. This small line is only present on workers as the entire tail of the queen bee appears this colour which is  brownish , the rest of the worker bees tail is completely white. 

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