Scientific Name: Andrena Cineraria Common name: Ashy Mining Bee
This species of bee is found widespread across Europe however is absent from the colder climates in places such and Northern Scotland. They can be found both in large groups as well as solitary and similarly to previously mentioned solitary bee they are great pollinators as well as relatively passive.
Key Information:
Size: 10-15 mm
Habitat: Flower gardens , Grass lands , Coasts
When to see: March to June
Family: Andrenidae
Order: Hymenoptera
Biological Species: Species
Fun Fact: Unlike other solitary bees this species creates nests by excavating earth to form tunnels, creating their nest.
How to Identify:
This type of bee is extremely distinct from most other types of bees. This is mainly due to the colour scheme of this species which for males is black with grey hairs across their thorax and for females it is black with grey bands across their thorax. This species also has the grey bands across their abdomen and similar hairs on their head next to their antennae.